Examine the Framework

Developing Synchronicity Between

The focus of your mind

The longings of your heart

The works of your hands

The Dynamic Model

  • The creative journey has turbulent patterns of expansion and contraction. It oscillates. Some call it hills and valleys. Regardless of the chosen language, it's clearly far from a linear path in practice. Embracing this reality might be an integral first step.

  • This is a container for your Perspective, Order, and Values (P.O.V.). Have you ever clearly outlined your thoughts on the creative journey? How about listing the longings of your heart? Or perhaps taking an honest look at your efforts? In outlining this carefully, you may find a great creative revelation, or perhaps creative conviction. Maybe a bit of both.

  • Failure is inevitable. It's promised. There is no path free from resistance. So what does failure mean? And what sort of resistance exists along the path of your creative journey? Put clear language to that and you may find yourself facing your demons. That's the inevitable crucible.

  • What's your definition of "Truth"? And how do you choose to orient yourself in relationship to that definition? What do you believe about yourself? What do you believe in general? What do you consider to be possible? What do you consider to be impossible? Shedding light on these things might reveal that which has been holding you captive. It may also permit you to perceive, truthfully, the sum and substance of things. Perhaps, to more accurately see yourself. Wouldn't that be something.

  • There's no doubt an erosive force existing naturally in the environment of the creative industry. On the inverse side of that force, there is a robust artistic nature of vitality, beauty, and reverential awe. How wonderfully and painfully paradox. Examining this carefully, with equal parts bewilderment and prudence, might be essential.

  • What's your reflexive response to stress? What's your relationship like with rejection? How would you like to respond to stress? How intimate would you like to be with rejection? Both are promised in the creative journey. How you choose to engage with them upon each inevitable encounter might be crucial.

  • Be careful what weight you give voluntarily to the expectations set both internally and externally. Often, they're just calculated grievances set in advance. What sort of methods can one take to fortify themselves from the barrage of expectations that come from both within and without?

    Perhaps, this strategy blooms in the soil of making agreements and extending grace. Aimed both inward and outward.